Trial in Minneapolis for al-Shabab Supporter

From Newsvine:

A man who left the U.S. to join fighters in Somalia testified Thursday against a Minnesota man on trial for supporting terrorism, saying he saw the man hand $500 in cash to another al-Shabab recruit while they were at a secret meeting to plan their travel.

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Grenade attack on fair in Thailand wounds 30

From Newsvine:

Thai police believe Islamist insurgents fired grenades at a fair in southern Thailand, injuring 30 people, in anger over government efforts to win over local Muslim religious leaders.

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Taliban shoot Pakistani schoolgirl campaigning for peace

From Yahoo News:

Taliban gunmen in Pakistan shot and seriously wounded on Tuesday a 14-year-old schoolgirl who rose to fame for speaking out against the militants, authorities said.

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Muslims Riot Over Image of Quran

From ABC News:

Thousands of Bangladeshi Muslims angry over an alleged derogatory photo of the Islamic holy book Quran on Facebook set fires in at least 10 Buddhist temples and 40 homes near the southern border with Myanmar, authorities said Sunday.

The violence began late Saturday and continued until early Sunday, said Nojibul Islam, a police chief in the coastal district of Cox’s Bazar.

He said at least 20 people were injured in the attacks that followed the posting of a Facebook photo of a burned copy of the Quran. The rioters blamed the photo on a local Buddhist boy, though it was not immediately clear if the boy actually posted the photo.

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Churches in Kenya Attacked

From Voice of America:

Four gunmen attacked the African Inland Church in Garissa on Sunday morning. The shooters were masked in balaclavas, regional police chief Philip Ndolo told Reuters.  They entered the church after throwing two grenades inside. Two grenades also exploded in a nearby Roman Catholic Church. Two police are among the dead.

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How To Start Forest Fires

Al Qaida is now encouraging its followers to start fires in the American West.

From World Tribune:

Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has called on followers to set fires
in forests in enemy states as part of what the network termed holy war.

AQAP, deemed the greatest threat to the United States, has also provided instructions on how to easily and rapidly destroy forests.

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Churches Bombed in Nigeria

From CompassDirect:

Blasts in two churches in Zaria, one in Kaduna city kill dozens of Christians.
Suspected Islamic extremists bombed three churches in Kaduna state this morning, the third consecutive Sunday that worship services in Nigeria have ended in lethal bloodshed.
In a predominantly Christian area of Zaria known as Wusasa, a suspected Islamic extremist crashed a car into a barricade at an Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) church at around 9 a.m., setting off explosives that killed at least 24 people and wounded 125, according to one unconfirmed report citing an anonymous state official. A few minutes later, suspected Islamic extremists set off explosives at Christ the King Catholic Church in the Sabon Gari area of Zaria.
An eyewitness told Compass that at least 10 corpses were removed from the cathedral, with dozens of people injured, many critically. At press time the Nigerian Red Cross Society reported the death toll from the blast at the Catholic church had reached 16.
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Islamist Wins Presidency in Egypt

From OpenDoorsUSA

Dr. Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood party member, has won the elections and became officially the first president of Egypt after the revolution.
To talk about who may be winning before the result is announced is something, but to talk about it now is another thing.
Deep sadness and fear has shaken the hearts of many Egyptians, including many Christians as well, who have hoped to have a civil moderate president, not a fanatic Muslim one. The reactions vary from one group to another and from one person to another.
It might seem a bit strange to hear Muslim liberals speaking in anger and rejection against the winning of Morsi.  However, it’s quite sad to hear the reactions of many Christians, who are, by now, very devastated, confused and feeling defeated.
The question that is discussed the most today in Egypt among Christians is should we or should we not leave Egypt after Morsi was announced the new Islamist president of Egypt?
Obviously many Christians have left Egypt over the last 18 months, and if not yet, they are moving on with the process.
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Christians Given Ultimatum in Syria

From the LA Times:

Much of the Christian population of the besieged Syrian city of Qusair has abandoned the town after an “ultimatum” from the rebel military chief there, reports Agenzia Fides, the official Vatican news agency.

The ultimatum expired Thursday, the agency reported, adding that most of the city’s 10,000 Christians have fled the city, situated in the battleground province of Homs.

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Death Penalty For Cursing God In Kuwait

From France24:

Kuwait’s parliament on Thursday provisionally passed amendments to the Gulf state’s penal code stipulating the death penalty for those who curse God, Islam’s Prophet Mohammed or his wives.

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