Rafiqul Islam cut off his 21-year-old wife’s fingers with a machete – for pursuing higher education without his permission.

“Human rights groups in Bangladesh have mobilized in requesting severe punishment for 30-year-old Rafiqul Islam, who has admitted to using a machete to cut off his 21-year-old wife Hawa Akther Jui’s fingers on her right hand as punishment for pursuing higher education without his permission.

“The incident is one of a number of acts of domestic violence targeting educated women in recent months.

Police say that Mr Islam, who works in the United Arab Emirates, tied up his 21-year-old wife, Hawa Akther Jui, earlier this month. He then taped her mouth and cut off the five fingers.

Doctors say the fingers cannot be re-attached and it appears that Ms Akther will have to live with permanent disfigurement.” The Daily Mail reports that the attack is only the latest in a series of violent acts against educated women in the “Muslim-majority company.”

In June, an unemployed man gouged out the eyes of his wife, an assistant professor at Dhaka University, apparently because he could not stand her pursuing higher studies at a Canadian University.”


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Attorney General Eric Holder has sued another company for lack of Shariah compliance.

“Attorney General Eric Holder has sued, yet again, another company for lack of Shariah compliance.

BusinessInsurance.com reported last Monday that “Imperial Security Inc. has agreed to pay $50,000 to settle a federal religious discrimination lawsuit involving a Muslim employee’s religious head covering, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said Monday.”


Few companies can afford to go up against the U.S. Department of Justice. It’s a form of blackmail and extortion that companies are forced to pay: the Shariah-protection racket.

Muslims file more such religious discrimination lawsuits than other groups. And that should come as no surprise: Islamic supremacists are using our courts to impose the Shariah, and Holder and Obama are acting as their willing accomplices.

Of course Muslims file more lawsuits than any other group – Muslims are the first immigrant group that has ever come to this country with a ready-made model of society and government they believe to be superior to what we have here, and they mean to impose it.


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Ahmed Shah Massoud

“We consider this our duty – to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence, and fanaticism.”

– Ahmed Shah Massoud

Ahmed Shah Massoud was a Kabul University engineering student turned military leader who played a leading role in driving the Soviet army out of Afghanistan, earning him the name “Lion of Panjshir”.

A Sunni Muslim who reportedly always carried a book of Sufi mystic Ghazali with him, he strongly rejected the interpretations of Islam followed by the Taliban, Al Qaeda or the Saudi establishment.

Following the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan the Wall Street Journal named Massoud “the Afghan who won the Cold War”.

After the collapse of the communist Soviet-backed government of Mohammad Najibullah in 1992, Massoud became the Minister of Defense under the government of Burhanuddin Rabbani. Following the rise of the Taliban in 1996, Massoud returned to the role of an armed opposition leader, serving as the military commander and political leader of the United Islamic Front (also known in the West as Northern Alliance).

On September 9, 2001, two days before the September 11 attacks in the United States, Massoud was assassinated in Takhar Province of Afghanistan by two suspected Arab al-Qaeda suicide bombers posing as journalists.

The following year, he was named “National Hero” by the order of Afghan President Hamid Karzai.


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A French minister of Arab origin says ‘there is no such thing as moderate Islam’

A French minister said there was no such thing as moderate Islam, calling recent election successes by Islamic parties in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia “worrying” in an interview published Saturday.

Jeannette Bougrab, a junior minister with responsibility for youth, told Le Parisien newspaper that legislation based on Islamic sharia law “inevitably” imposed restrictions on rights and freedoms.

“There are no half measures with sharia,” she added. “I am a lawyer and you can make all the theological, literal or fundamental interpretations of it that you like but law based on sharia is inevitably a restriction on freedom, especially freedom of conscience.”

Jeannette Bougrab


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al-Qaida’s 5-year-old branch in Africa is flourishing

“While al-Qaida’s central command is in disarray and its leaders on the run following bin Laden’s death six months ago, security experts say, the group’s 5-year-old branch in Africa is flourishing. From bases like the one in the forest just north of here, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, is infiltrating local communities, recruiting fighters, running training camps and planning suicide attacks, according to diplomats and government officials.

Even as the mother franchise struggles financially, its African offshoot has raised an estimated $130 million in under a decade by kidnapping at least 50 Westerners in neighboring countries and holding them in camps in Mali for ransom. It has tripled in size from 100 combatants in 2006 to at least 300 today, say security experts. And its growing footprint, once limited to Algeria, now stretches from one end of the Sahara desert to the other, from Mauritania in the west to Mali in the east.

The group’s stated aim is to become a player in global jihad, and suspected collaborators have been arrested throughout Europe, including in the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, England and France.

With almost no resistance, al-Qaida has implanted itself in Africa’s soft tissue, choosing as its host one of the poorest nations on earth. The terrorist group has create a refuge in this remote land through a strategy of winning hearts and minds, described in rare detail by seven locals in regular contact with the cell. The villagers agreed to speak for the first time to an Associated Press team in the “red zone,” deemed by most embassies to be too dangerous for foreigners to visit.”


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Afghan woman freed from jail – but only after agreeing to marry rapist

“An Afghan woman imprisoned for adultery after being raped by a relative is going free — but only because she agreed to marry the man who assaulted her.

The 19-year-old woman, named only as Gulnaz, became high-profile after an EU-funded documentary film on her case was censored by diplomats who feared for her welfare.

As attention to Gulnaz’s case rose, Afghan President Hamid Karzai was forced to intervene, announcing that she would be released if she agreed to mediation with her attacker. That mediation resulted in the current decision: that she be freed if she marries her rapist, a move her supporters say she feared.”


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It’s not Creeping Sharia Anymore – it’s Galloping Sharia

Fmr. Congressman and Center Senior Fellow Fred Grandy appeared with his wife “Mrs. Fred” (Catherine Grandy) on the Jeff Katz Show on Talk 1200 Boston. They discussed Iranian-American activist Manda Zand Ervin’s run-in with the Howard County Maryland police over an incident she had with a burqa-clad woman in a supermarket parking lot.

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“Love stronger than hate”

“Last week, the offices of “Charlie Hebdo”, a French newspaper, were burned down by muslim extremists because they depicted the prophet on their cover. Here is their cover for next week. (title says “Love stronger than hate”)”



“Good move. They really shouldn’t back down on this one and the rest of the world should start supporting blasphemy rather than supporting violence in the name of religion.”


“I absolutely agree.

While I (an ex-Muslim who at one point wished to become an imam and gained a firm grasp of both the Qur’an and Sunnah&Hadith) am not of the view that the Islamic canon is as peaceful as most would like to believe, I will say that this kind of knee-jerk reactionary violence is unacceptable under any reasonable reading of that canon. Violence in the name of religion is horrible, and it’s made even more senseless and incomprehensible when the perpetrators are in the wrong according to their faith.

Sectarian violence has an association with Islam at this point that is not altogether unfair, due in large part to actions by believers which should not be tolerated by the Muslims of the world. And unfortunately, the proof is in the pudding: passages which may be construed to condone violence against unbelievers often have that interpretation solidified in the minds of the general populace when some of the people construing the passages that way are the ones doing the violence.

It’s just frustrating. Again, while I don’t think that Islam is entirely a religion of peace, it bothers me that Muslims so often act in such a manner as to contradict not only their own humanity but indeed their claims of peacefulness.”


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Useful idiots for Palestine

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Islamist Jihad ready for all-out war with Israel

By Crispian Balmer and Nidal al-Mughrabi

“The Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, which traded deadly fire with Israel at the weekend in Gaza, does not expect a subsequent truce to last long and has at least 8,000 fighters ready for war, a spokesman said.

Islamic Jihad is the second largest armed group in Gaza, after Hamas, which rules the tiny Mediterranean enclave. The two share a commitment to the destruction of Israel and both are classified as terrorist groups by most Western governments.

However, while Hamas has recently spent much of its energy on the business of government, Islamic Jihad has kept its focus firmly on the conflict, gaining in prominence and enjoying significant backing from Muslim supporters, including Iran.


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