Charlie Hebdo (a French paper similar to “The Onion”) Firebombed over ‘Muhammad Guest Issue’

“The offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French left-wing satire paper similar to The Onion, was firebombed. The bombing was carried out by radical Islamists, who took offense at a weekly issue “guest edited by the Prophet Muhammad” and temporarily renamed “Charia Hebdo”.

However, the bombers could not have actually read the issue that so offended their sensibilities, since the bombing took place the night before the paper was distributed.”

What did they do that was so evil it elicited a violent response from Muslims?

“the French Magazine Charlie Hebdo was bombed for putting a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad aka the Prophet Mohammed on the cover of their magazine Charlie Hebdo.”

Once again the followers of Islam demonstrate:

1. They have no sense of humor
2. They are not “tolerant”
3. They do not follow a “Religion of Peace” but a “Religion of Pieces” (i.e. pieces scattered around after yet another explosion)
4. Their accusations of Westerners being “Islamaphobic” have no merit, because a phobia is an irrational fear, and followers of Islam repeatedly give infidels very rational reasons to be afraid.

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Janet Napolitano gives Muslim Brotherhood secret clearance

by Pamela Geller

“… [Janet Napolitano] the head of the Department of Homeland Security is claiming ignorance about an important manifestation of the most dangerous threat to the homeland, the global jihad and Islamic imperialism and expansion. … she is being led by her … nose by those who seek in their own words to work toward “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.”

Homeland Security is on the hot seat. Back in October 2010, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano named the devout Muslim Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. The Texas Department of Public Safety now says that Elibiary may have been allowed to gain access to a highly sensitive database of intelligence reports, and then allegedly shopped some of the material he found in that database to a media outlet for a story about “Islamophobia” in the Public Safety Department.

Who else is the devout Elibiary shopping sensitive intel to? Mohamed Elibiary was one of the speakers at a December 2004 conference in Dallas entitled “A Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary,” that is, the Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran and the violent Muslim global revolution to install a universal Islamic government.

It is bad enough that Napolitano appointed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council in the first place, but it gets even worse. When questioned last week by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, at the U.S. Immigration and Enforcement hearings, Big Sis, Janet Napolitano (with the most disturbing hairdo and hair color that I have ever seen), admitted that she has been giving secret clearance to Muslim Brotherhood-tied operatives here in the U.S.”

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Young (Muslim) man from Minnesota Identified as Homicide Bomber in Somalia Attack

MOGADISHU, Somalia — The voice in the recording sounds unmistakably familiar — the tenor, the colloquialisms — a boy who grew up in America.

The voice on a suicide message is said to be that of Abdisalan Hussein Ali, a Somali-American who joined the Shabab rebels.

The recording was a suicide message, posted online on Sunday by an Islamist militia aligned with Al Qaeda. The voice was said to be that of Abdisalan Hussein Ali, 22, who was born in Somalia but spent his formative years in Minneapolis.

His life appeared to have come full circle here on Saturday, when he is said to have blown himself up in an attack on African Union troops in Mogadishu. He would be the third American known to become a suicide bomber for Somalia’s Shabab rebels.

Those nice Minnesota folks have no idea what they have invited in to their neighborhoods. This is what makes America vulnerable to the creeping influence of Islam in the US: gullible ignorance of the very real threat. At this point the numbers in the US are not large enough so attacks are exported, once the numbers build, mark my words, Americans will see followers of Islam pushing for more and more concessions to Islamic sensibilities, working relentlessly to impose Sharia in more and more ways in American culture.

Being nice will not protect you. Islam does not respect “nice”, it exploits it as a weakness. Eventually even Minnesotans will figure this out.

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Pat Condell’s suggestion: Why not consider the Halloween Burka?

“It just goes to show, there’s good to be found in everything, if you look for it – even in something as disgusting, degrading and dehumanizing as the Islamic shroud of cowardly male misogyny and oppression.

And by the way, I hope I didn’t offend any Western feminists with that remark. I know how touchy some of you girls can get when anyone criticizes Islamic male supremacism.

…I think Western society would be culturally enriched, for a change, if everyone went around in a burka on Halloween. I think it would certainly help to lighten the rather creepy and sinister image of this alien garment if we took the annual opportunity that Halloween affords to openly mock and ridicule it as the clownish symbol of male stupidity and inadequacy it really is.

And that would inevitably lead to greater mutual understanding, which is something I think we all want – and who knows, it might even persuade extremist Muslims to laugh at themselves.

Well, there’s a first time for everything, and why not? After all, everyone else is laughing at them, and surely it would be divisive and drive a wedge between communities if they were to exclude themselves from all the fun, just because they’ve got no sense of humor.”

– Pat Condell

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Burka-Wearing Prompts The Return Of In Rickets In Birmingham

“A new health awareness campaign has been launched among Muslim women by health officials in the Midlands after a rise in the number of cases of rickets. It is thought that pregnant women who regularly wear a burka are depriving themselves of exposure to sunlight, which results in Vitamin D deficiency.

Sixty-five children in Birmingham have needed hospital treatment in the past three years for rickets, a disease which was thought to have died out in Victorian times. And health bosses fear this may be the tip of the iceberg with more cases of the illness, which affects bone development, not being formally diagnosed. Now they have invested £150,000 to fight the rise of rickets among infants in inner city Birmingham.

The wearing of burkas by Muslim women is thought to have contributed to its recent resurgence.”

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Muslims Miffed That Catholic University Has Catholic Imagery

by Doug Giles

“Last week I was asked to lend my aging mug and highly attuned smart mouth for a documentary film regarding how the “religion of peace”—via political correctness in the public school system—is anesthetizing our kids to Islam’s malevolence toward all things American.

… no sooner did that week end than a new week began with a fresh ladle of Muslim petulance tossed in America’s face.

It seems that an investigation has been sparked by Muslim “outrage” against a Catholic university (called Catholic University) for being, well, Catholic. Evidently Muslim students feel their human rights have been violated by not getting special digs on campus, minus Catholic imagery, to do their daily prayers on college grounds.

…In the latest installment of how Islam is enacting their not-so-stealthy-any-longer jihad on America via our schools, Muslims are now taking on Catholic University for their Catholic art and imagery that insults delicate Muslim sensibilities.

This is nonsense.

It’s another test to see how far we’ll bend over and take it like Europe has (to their own demise).”

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Montclair State police search for person who slipped Hate message under door

MONTCLAIR — “Montclair State University police are looking for the person who slipped a threatening note under the door of a campus center for lesbian and gay students, school officials said today.

The note was found last Thursday morning by students attending a meeting in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Center

“You will feel the wrath of Allah/ Your thoughts are immoral/ homosexuality is sin/ Allah says you must pay.”

But, wait – I thought Islam was a TOLERANT religion?

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“Harmony Schools” in US; Turkish Muslim immigrants taking teaching positions that could go to Americans

“Harmony Schools” in US:

“Around the country, the most persistent controversy involving the schools — and the one most covered in the news — centers on the hundreds of Turkish teachers and administrators working on special visas.

The schools say they bring in foreign teachers because of a shortage of Americans qualified to teach math and science. Of the 1,500 employees at the Texas Harmony schools this year, Dr. Tarim said, 292 were on the special “H-1B” visas, meant for highly skilled foreign workers who fill a need unmet by the American workforce.

But some teachers and their unions, as well as immigration experts, have questioned how earnestly the schools worked to recruit American workers. They say loopholes have made it easy to bring in workers with relatively ordinary skills who substitute for American workers.”

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“Harmony School of Nature and Athletics”, “The Cosmos Foundation” = Taqiyya = Islamic deceit


So, let me ask you: how would you feel, given the current economic state of our country and the sadly under-funded state of our educational system, about an Islamic school getting $100 million a year in taxpayer funds?

Why is the United States spending $100 million a year in taxpayer funds to support a system of schools built by an organization following one of the world’s “most important Muslim figures”?

I don’t remember voting on this, do you? In fact, I don’t recall even hearing about this organization being discussed. Evidently someone in our government quietly OK’d the funds and chose to support this organization quietly, without public discussion.

Here’s what brought this situation to my attention:

I recently drove by a large complex of buildings, topped with a golden dome. It’s called “Harmony School of Nature and Athletics”.

I notice it has a high, wrought-iron fence all the way around it.

Right away, as I drive past this complex of buildings, I am getting red flags and alarms. This morning I looked it up. It’s an interesting-sounding organization: charter school, focus on math and science, that’s got to be good, right?

Wonder who built it?

“The Cosmos Foundation”

Oh, well, that sounds fine, very scientific-sounding right?

I am still skeptical.

I dig around a bit and find: “Charter Schools Tied to Turkey Grow in Texas”

So, who is funding “The Cosmos Foundation”? Turns out to be a group called “The Gulen Movement”, started by a Turkish guy named Fethullah Gülen – “one of the world’s most important Muslim figures”.

Why is the United States spending $100 million a year in taxpayer funds to support a system of schools built by an organization following one of the world’s most important Muslim figures?

Did some digging in Wikipedia, and the guy claims to be “moderate”. In his favor, he was the first Muslim Leader to openly condemn the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He wrote a condemnation article in the Washington Post on September 12th, 2001, just the day after the attack, and stated that `A muslim can not be a terrorist, nor can a terrorist be a true muslim`.

On the other hand, he is still in many ways a proponent of traditional Islam – and he left Turkey partly because he was advocating a more Islamic, less secular, system in Turkey.

His views on women’s roles are “progressive” but “modern professional women in Turkey still find his ideas far from acceptable.”Gülen says the coming of Islam saved women, who “were absolutely not confined to their home and…never oppressed” in the early years of the religion.

Gülen and his followers have put out lots of talk about tolerance and mutual respect for “people of the book”. Gülen is not very fond of atheism: “He says the Muslim community is obliged to conduct interfaith dialogue with the “People of the Book” (Jews and Christians). But this does not extend to other religions and atheists.

In fact he appears to be intolerant of atheism, as in 2004 Gülen commented to the effect that terrorism was as despicable as atheism. In a follow-up interview he explained he did not intend to equate atheists and murderers; rather, he wanted to highlight the fact that according to Islam both were destined to suffer eternal punishment.”


Here’s where I come down on the whole deal: I don’t trust them.

It’s similar to when I find a piece of direct mail in my mailbox that has been designed to look like a bill or an important official document but when I open it, I find that it is someone trying to get my money. I rip those up and never even consider doing business with that company, ever.

If you start our relationship by trying to deceive me, we are done, you don’t get a second chance because you have shown that I cannot trust you.

I have heard too much about “taqiyya”, the Islamic policy of lying to and deceiving infidels as a way to increase the reach and influence of Islam. Something about this smells bad to me. I have a bad feeling about this. Islam is a political/religious system, a group of people who follow a “prophet” who said, “War is deceit”.

How many other inroads are being made by Islam that American citizens are going to find out about only after the fact? Who is authorizing these developments? Who is going to hold them accountable?


Here’s a synopsis of the several articles and Wikipedia stuff I found, if you want more detail:

Charter Schools Tied to Turkey Grow in Texas

Followers of the Gulen movement, a Turkish religious group, helped finance the Turquoise Center, a community center in Houston.

It was one of six big charter school contracts TDM and another upstart company have shared since January 2009, a total of $50 million in construction business. Other companies scrambling for work in a poor economy wondered: How had they qualified for such big jobs so fast?

The secret lay in the meteoric rise and financial clout of the Cosmos Foundation, a charter school operator founded a decade ago by a group of professors and businessmen from Turkey. Operating under the name Harmony Schools, Cosmos has moved quickly to become the largest charter school operator in Texas, with 33 schools receiving more than $100 million a year in taxpayer funds.

“The Gulen Movement” (from Wikipedia)

Muhammed Fethullah Gülen is a Turkish preacher, author, educator, and Muslim scholar living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania (USA). He is the founder and leader of the Gülen movement. Gülen is characterized in the media as one of the world’s most important Muslim figures.

Gülen teaches an Anatolian version of traditional mainstream Islam, deriving from Said Nursi’s teachings and modernizing them. Gülen supports interfaith dialogue among the people of the book, and has initiated such dialogue with the Vatican and some Jewish organizations.

Gülen is actively involved in the societal debate concerning the future of the Turkish state, and Islam in the modern world. In the Turkish context Gülen appears relatively conservative and religiously observant. For example, he supports the view that women should wear headscarfs, and his female followers usually wear them.

Comparing Gülen to leaders in the Nur movement, Hakan Yavuz said, “Gülen is more Turkish nationalist in his thinking. Also, he is somewhat more state-oriented, and is more concerned with market economics and neo-liberal economic policies.”

His pro-business stance has led some outsiders to dub his theology an Islamic version of Calvinism.

In 1998 Gülen emigrated to the United States, ostensibly for health problems (he suffers from diabetes and heart disease) but arguably in anticipation of being tried over remarks (aired after his emigration to US) which seemed to favor an Islamic state.

In June 1999, after Gulen had left Turkey video tapes were sent to some Turkey TV stations with recordings of Gulen saying, “the existing system is still in power. Our friends who have positions in legislative and administrative bodies should learn its details and be vigilant all the time so that they can transform it and be more fruitful on behalf of Islam in order to carry out a nationwide restoration. However, they should wait until the conditions become more favorable. In other words, they should not come out too early.”

His teachings differ in emphasis from those of other mainstream, moderate Islamic scholars in two respects, both based on his interpretations of particular verses of the Quran:

(1) he teaches that the Muslim community has a duty of service (Turkish: hizmet) to the “common good” of the community and the nation[24] and to Muslims and non-Muslims all over the world; and

(2), the Muslim community is obliged to conduct interfaith dialogue with the “People of the Book” (Jews and Christians). Although this does not extend to other religions and atheists.

In fact he appears to be intolerant of atheism, as in 2004 Gülen commented to the effect that terrorism was as despicable as atheism. In a follow-up interview he explained he did not intend to equate atheists and murderers; rather, he wanted to highlight the fact that according to Islam both were destined to suffer eternal punishment.

Gülen favors cooperation between followers of different religions (this would also include different forms of Islam, such as Sunnism vs. Alevism in Turkey) as well as religious and secular elements within society. He has been described as “very critical of the regimes in Iran and Saudi Arabia” due to their undemocratic, sharia-based systems of government.

Gülen’s Islamic teaching and practice was developed in the forge of Turkey’s 20th century project to create a secular state, as initiated by the Turkish nationalist revolution of Atatürk.

That project became an ideologically “secularist” one, locked in symbiotic conflict with an “Islamist” reaction.

Arising from that context, Gülen has criticized a politics rooted in a philosophically reductionist materialism. But he has also argued that Islam and democracy are compatible and he encourages greater democracy within Turkey.

He also argues that a secular approach that is not anti-religious and allows for freedom of religion and belief is compatible with Islam.

Women’s roles

According to Aras and Caha, Gülen’s views on women are “progressive” but “modern professional women in Turkey still find his ideas far from acceptable.” Gülen says the coming of Islam saved women, who “were absolutely not confined to their home and…never oppressed” in the early years of the religion. He feels that western-style feminism, however, is “doomed to imbalance like all other reactionary movements…being full of hatred towards men.”


Gülen condemns any kind of terrorism.

He warns against the phenomenon of arbitrary violence and aggression against civilians, that is terrorism, which has no place in Islam and which militates against its very foundational tenets of reverence for human life and for all of God’s creation.

Fethullah Gulen was the first Muslim Leader to openly condemn the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He wrote a condemnation article in the Washington Post on September 12th, 2001, just the day after the attack, and stated that `A muslim can not be a terrorist, nor can a terrorist be a true muslim`

“Gülen lamented the deplorable hijacking of Islam by terrorists who claimed to be Muslims and acting out of religious conviction.

He counseled that “One should seek Islam through its own sources and in its own representatives throughout history; not through the actions of a tiny minority that misrepresent it.

In Lester Kurtz’s (of University of Texas, Austin) words, “One of the most striking operationalizations of Gulen’s fusion of commitment and tolerance is the nature of the Gulen movement, as it is often called, which has established hundreds of schools in many countries as a consequence of his belief in the importance of knowledge, and example in the building of a better world. The schools are a form of service to humanity designed to promote learning in a broader sense and to avoid explicit Islamic propaganda.”

Kurtz also cites in the same work the comments of Thomas Michel, General Secretary of the Vatican Secretariat for Inter-religious Dialogue, after a visit to a school in Mindanao, Philippines, where the local people suffered from a civil war, as follows: “In a region where kidnapping is a frequent occurrence, along with guerrilla warfare, summary raids, arrests, disappearances, and killings by military and para-military forces, the school is offering Muslim and Christian Filipino children, along with an educational standard of high quality, a more positive way of living and relating to each other.”

Kurtz adds: “The purpose of the schools movement, therefore, is to lay the foundations for a more humane, tolerant citizenry of the world where people are expected to cultivate their own faith perspectives and also promote the well being of others… It is significant to note that the movement has been so successful in offering high quality education in its schools, which recruit the children of elites and government officials, that it is beginning to lay the groundwork for high-level allies, especially in Central Asia, where they have focused much of their effort.”

See, Lester R. Kurtz, “Gulen’s Paradox: Combining Commitment and Tolerance,” Muslim World, Vol. 95, July 2005; 379-381.

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U.S. citizen who also holds an Iranian passport arrested for plotting with Mexican cartel to assassinate Saudi Ambassador to USA

“Iran allegedly collaborated with a Mexican drug cartel to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the USA.

This circumstance shows the danger of a porous southern border, the danger of Mexican drug cartels, and of course, the danger of the Iranian government.

Manssor Arbabsiar, a 56-year-old U.S. citizen who also holds an Iranian passport, unknowingly hired an informant from the Drug Enforcement Administration to carry out the plot, prosecutors said. Posing as a member of a Mexican drug cartel, the informant met with Arbabsiar several times in Mexico, authorities said. The price tag was $1.5 million and Arabsiar made a $100,000 down payment.

Arbabsiar was arrested Sept. 29 at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.”

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