“If you can’t abide by the local culture to some minimal degree, you are free to leave.”

“We are dealing with frequent honor killings, lack of respect for gender equality and complete disregard for the cultures that generously provide the social benefits so many of the people miserably failing to acclimate are quite happily enjoying.

My kids are in schools that are virtual UN assemblies. Some of the issues that have come up at school are folks that want to mutilate their kids, or make their 8 year old daughters wear a full veil against her wishes, or refusing to allow kids to interact with the opposite sex, and refusing to allow kids to be taught biology and sex education.

Now, as a parent, that may be your right in some countries. But not this one. And if you can’t abide by the local culture to some minimal degree, you are free to leave.

By the same token, I’m not welcome to go to many of these backwards cultures and hit on peoples wives, get drunk and eat bacon burgers, then have gay sex by the flickering light of a burning the Koran. That would be insulting their culture.”

– posted by McGuillicuddy


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Muslim immigration is occupation of territory

“The daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the outgoing leader of the National Front, told a rally that ten to fifteen places in France where Muslims worshipped in the streets were occupied territory.

“For those who want to talk a lot about World War II, if it’s about occupation, then we could also talk about it (Muslim prayers in the streets), because that is occupation of territory,” she said at the gathering in Lyon.

“It is an occupation of sections of the territory, of districts in which religious laws apply. It’s an occupation,” she said at the rally that was part of her bid to take the party leadership when her father steps down in January.

“There are of course no tanks, there are no soldiers, but it is nevertheless an occupation and it weighs heavily on local residents.”

“There are of course no tanks, there are no soldiers, but it is nevertheless an occupation and it weighs heavily on local residents,” the 42-year-old noted.


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Multiculturalism has Failed

“French president Nicolas Sarkozy on Thursday declared that multiculturalism had failed, joining a growing number of world leaders or ex-leaders who have condemned it.

“We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him.”

– Nicolas Sarkozy

“We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him,” he said in a television interview in which he declared the concept a “failure”.

Prime Minister David Cameron last month pronounced his country’s long-standing policy of multiculturalism a failure, calling for better integration of young Muslims to combat home-grown extremism.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Australia’s former prime minister John Howard and former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar have also in recent months said multicultural policies have not successfully integrated immigrants.


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France bans public Muslim prayers

“MUSLIMS will be banned from praying outdoors in France from today in the latest move by officials to remove Islam from the public sphere.

Claude Gueant, the Interior Minister, said that the sight of hundreds of people gathering in the streets of Paris and other cities for Friday prayers was “shocking”.

Mr Gueant described outlawing street prayers as the latest brick in the wall that is shoring up the secular nature of the French state. He said that he had nothing against Islam, but wanted it out of the public eye.

“Street prayers must stop because they hurt the feelings of many of our compatriots who are shocked by the occupation of the public space for a religious practice,” he said.

Police could be asked to arrest Muslims who continue to pray in the street, Mr Gueant warned, but officials will initially try to persuade them to move into a mosque.


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Swedish police arrest four terror-plot suspects

STOCKHOLM // Swedish police arrested four people on suspicion of preparing a terror attack and evacuated an arts centre in Sweden’s second-largest city on Saturday, officials said yesterday.

Sweden raised its terror threat alert level from low to elevated in October last year. In December, a suicide bomber, Taimour Abdulwahab, blew himself up in central Stockholm among panicked Christmas shoppers, injuring two people, causing shock in a country that had largely been insulated from terrorism.


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Two men arrested in Berlin jihadist terror plot

BERLIN – “An elite German commando team arrested two men of Middle Eastern origin in Berlin in connection with buying material for a bomb attack, a police spokesman in Berlin said on Thursday.

They were identified as a 24- year-old German-Lebanese man and a 28-year-old from the Gaza Strip and are suspected of buying chemicals to make an explosive device, police said.

The Berlin daily Tagesspiegel quoted an investigator from the counterterrorism operation saying, “there was hardly enough forces of the mobile special commandos for other assignments because all forces were needed for the terror cell.”

Earlier in the week, Germany’s minister of interior, Hans-Peter Friedrich, from the Christian Social Union party, said roughly 1,000 Islamic terrorists live in Germany.

The Federal Republic has long been a hotbed of radical Islam. The terror group Hezbollah remains legal in Germany. According to Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, there are at least 900 active Hezbollah members there.”


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A Muslim blood donation drive to promote peace – Wow, that sounds great: positive … but wait …

An organization in Fort Worth, TX is organizing a blood donation drive to promote peace, and honor those who died on 9/11. What a great idea, right? And, wow, look at that – this is a Muslim organization! Isn’t that great? See? All these people who bad-mouth Islam are so narrow-minded, they lump all Muslims in the same box.

I mean, here’s a group of Muslims that are doing very good things:

“After the great on going success of the wonderful worldwide campaign ” Muslims For Peace” , Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has launched a nationwide campaign to honor the victims of 9/11 on its 10th anniversary, the goal is to collect 10,000 units of bloods during the month of September – which can help save 30,000 lives.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the fastest growing international revival movement within Islam with more than tens of millions of members in 200 countries around the globe. The Muslims who believe in Messiah and represent the true teachings of Islam that is Peace, Love and Brotherhood and strongly condemn the so called Jihad(terrorism).

Once again by launching this awesome campaign “Muslims for Life” Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is upholding the true message of Islam and has proved that they truly follow their famous motto ” Love for all, hatred for none”.

Maybe we need to re-think our whole perception of Islam…but wait, look down in the comments section. Evidently not everyone agrees that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is even Muslim! Turns out, “true” Muslims view these peace-loving “Muslims” to be apostates, (making them, according to the Koran, every bit as worthy of death as any other infidel).

luqemahn (signed in using Yahoo):

“if you want to do good works that’s fine. You are NOT within Islam.

this is why true Muslims don’t like you.

You want to say you are good people and then you lie on someone else’s religion. Just call yourselves what you are without shame. You are AHAMDISÃ¥…..or Ghullamites…..you reject fundamental Islam. You reject our base principles.

It’s not about who is good and who is bad. but about who lies and twists things because for some reason you like the word Muslim, but you refuse to follow the orders of the Quran.

Our extreme dislike of you is only a reaction where you insist on lying on our faith. Please stop calling yourselves what you are not.

You are NOT Muslims.

You are NOT within Islam.

You have a new movement that rejects basic Islam while you pretend to honor our books. You are like the Jehovah’s witness who comes knocking and clams Christianity. Your lies only work on ignorant people and if you want to put honesty with your good works, simply quit calling yourselves Muslim.”


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“…will you launch a campaign of Islamic conquest?”

Q: “If you rise to power in Egypt, will you launch a campaign of Islamic conquest?”

Shehato: “Of course we will launch a campaign of Islamic conquest, throughout the world. As soon as the Muslims and Islam control Egypt and implement the shari’a [there], we will turn to the neighboring regions, [such as] Libya [to the west] and Sudan to the south.

All the Muslims in the world who wish to see the shari’a implemented worldwide will join the Egyptian army in order to form Islamic battalions, whose task will be to bring about the victory of [our] faith. We hope that, with Allah’s help, Egypt will be the spark [that sets off this process]…”


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“…if the Christians make problems for the Muslims, I will exterminate them.”

“Are you against blowing up churches?”

A: Shehato: “Yes and no. The Christian is free to worship his god in his church, but if the Christians make problems for the Muslims, I will exterminate them. I am guided by the shari’a,…The shari’a is not based on [human] logic but on divine law. That is why we oppose universal, man-made constitutions.”


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AlterNet.org slanders Christians and excuses Muslims

There is an on-going campaign to demonize Christians and minimize or discount the very real threat of Islam.

One organization that is actively pursuing this agenda is the “news” website, AlterNet.org

The message they promote is: Christians are trying to take over the world but Muslims are maligned and misunderstood “people of faith”.

For example, here are a couple of articles from AlterNet:

Inside the Christian Right Dominionist Movement That’s Undermining Democracy


U.S. Right-Wing and GOP Presidential Candidates Spreading Paranoid Anti-Muslim Hysteria as Part of Take-Over Strategy


Slandering Christians with accusations that they are “Dominionist” and mocking any criticism of Islam is a diversionary tactic to distract Americans from the very real threat that Islam poses to American culture.

As one of the leaders of CAIR said, “Islam is not here to assimilate, it is here to dominate”.

A classic ploy of Islamists is to loudly accuse others of the very thing they are doing. As their prophet said, “War is deception.”


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