SPLC Pays $3.4 Million For False Claims Against Muslim Reformer

From The Atlantic:

The settlement is the culmination of a bitter battle between the two sides that has stretched nearly two years. As I wrote when SPLC’s original report, A Journalist’s Manual: Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists, was published, Nawaz’s inclusion was baffling and difficult to defend. SPLC did not grant Nawaz’s demand for a retraction, but it did make some edits to his entry while defending his inclusion. Then, in April, the group removed the guide altogether.

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Muslim Beats Policeman Walks, While Tommy Robinson Is In Prison For Filming

From Breitbart:

Sergeant Rooney had told the court how the attack had left his face so badly damaged that his children would not walk to school with him, and claimed he had been left with post-traumatic stress.

Nevertheless, despite the violent nature of Mohamad’s attack and his decision to claim he was acting in self-defence and plead not guilty, the judge appeared to buy the picture painted by the defence of a sickly man with multiple illnesses, who had “shown genuine remorse”.

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Deadly Ramadan

From Breitbart News:

Islamic extremists killed more than 1,620 people during this year’s holiest month for Muslims, marking one of the deadliest Ramadans in modern history, reveals a Breitbart News tally.

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Amil Imani: Islam Incompatible With Liberty

From News With Views:

As Islam repelled me, something about America attracted me like a powerful magnet. It was the heart and soul of America. It is called liberty. Liberty embodies the most precious treasures of humanity by encompassing seven forms of freedom that collectively make us human. Without liberty, we are simply another species of primates. Islam is anathema to each and every one of these freedoms.

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Tokyo: Major City With No Terror Attacks

From Black Pigeon Speaks:


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Amil Imani: Thanks To Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

From News with Views:

People such as Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, have set themselves apart from the shameful gang of self-serving loudmouths who find themselves suddenly tongue-tied when speaking up does not serve their myopic and parochial agenda.

I am certain that I speak for millions of severely tormented Iranians, where women in particular are subjected to unbelievable atrocities, in thanking you. You are true friends of freedom. You are standing with the people of Iran in their life and death struggle. We thank you for your support.

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Ben Shapiro: Media Covers Islamist Attacks Differently Than White Supremacist Attacks

From The Daily Wire:

Imagine that a white supremacist had driven a truck onto a bike path filled with minority innocents, killing eight of them. Imagine that the white supremacist had emerged from his truck carrying aloft a Confederate flag.

Imagine that the media had leapt to the defense of those flying the Confederate flag, explaining that only a tiny minority of those who did so had engaged in any sort of racist violence. Imagine that all of America’s major political leaders said the same, and told those who connected the terrorism with the Confederate flag that their viewpoints represented bigotry. Imagine, too, that CNN ran a chyron reading “WITNESSES: SUSPECT WAS CARRYING SOUTHERN VERSION OF AMERICAN FLAG,” and then hosted panels assuring audiences that the Confederate flag was simply a symbol of Southern pride.

Hard to imagine, isn’t it?

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Black Pigeon On The Problem With Canada and Terrorist Getting $10 Million

From Black Pigeon Speaks:


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Terrorist Caught In Afghanistan To Get $10 Million From Canadian Government

From Rebel Media:

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Islamists Kill and PM Wants To Crackdown On Internet

From David Wood:


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